Customs Processes in matters of foreign trade
- Custom laws for importing and exporting temporarily and/or permanently
- Virtual transference and notice of transfer
- Complimentary Global Entry summary
- Tariff classification, origin certificate and tax preferences for international treaties
- Process and transfer of “COVES”
- Paperwork for compensation of contributions to foreign commerce
- Specialized consulting in customs and foreign trade subjects
- Customs audits
- Workshops, courses, seminars and conferences
- Custom Law and Foreign Trade Law Advice
- Defense
- Jugdgement of invalidity
- Fine payment
- Administrative processes in customs practices
- In-house operations
- List of importers and specific sectors
- Custom conferred
- NEEC and Certified companies, consulting, management, registry and renovation
- Tariff classification advice
- Inquiry of certified entry summary copies
- Inquiry for tax classification before authorities
- Application and renovation of security matrix
- Application for Data Stage
- Registry and broadening of maquila industry references (IMMEX, PROSEC; SubMaquila)
- Annual Report, Eighth Rule
- Previous import and export permits
- Automatic notice of iron products imports
- Certificates of Origin
- Company registration for commercial and border industry
- Segmented registry
- Paperwork and procedures
- Digital stamps
- Plant-Sanitation certificate for imports and exports
- CITES certificates
- Application for Official Certificate for the non-compliance of health certificate (reject protection)
- Health and Animal Sanitation certificate for imports and exports
- Notice of operation
- Sanitary notice of imports
- Sanitary registry
- PLAFEST Permits of imports
- Sanitary permits for product imports
- Constance of certification promoted before the authorized verification unit
- Permit of import and export